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Meiou and Taxes Council Never Continued

Edge of the World part 2: a MEIOU and Taxes AAR

Published: 2017-02-02, edited: 1970-01-01

Chapter the second, explaining how king David continued to prosecute war against the Tartars to rescue honest Christans.

Previous part:

Game: Europa Universalis IV

Edge of the World: a MEIOU and Taxes AAR

Images: 19, author: Yoper101, published: 2017-02-02, edited: 1970-01-01

The world in 1365
Notes on this AAR;
I'm playing using all of the DLC, bar Mare Nostrum, and with MEIOU & Taxes version 1.25. I have manually removed the 'amalgamation government' from the game, because its really annoying and railroads history too much. Due to this, I'm not running in Ironman.

The world waits on a millstone and it may turn either way, to Christendom or to the Moslem. Bulgaria blockades the Orhan Turks from shining Constantinopel, but the devided Balkans may prove easy pickings for a well organised invasion.

The Rus are also weakened, despite a century passing since the Tartar invasion. The White Horde lies like a sleeping lion content with its rightfully Christian holdings. Georgia still stands alone against the Heathen tide, but now stands a little more steady.

The Magnates are plotting
I greatly desire an alliance with Bulgaria, for our interests are the same; defence of holy Constantinople. However, the Magnates are entirely against this. Perhaps it will be my task to crush their power. To do this, I have to bring the provinces in line and reduce the power of their local rulers. This will not be easy.

An inspired writing
The Patriarch of Georgia has recently promulgated in a religious treatise our divine right to rule Caucasia, based on the prophecy that was spoken before me. We must ensure that all the people hear of this, for their resolve will be strengthened.

Unrest in Imeretia
My policy of centralisation has not gone over well. The Magnates are rabble-rousing against me, and their efforts are focussed most strongly in Imeretia. I regret to inform the local governor that I cannot spare any soldiers from the borders to help calm the disgruntled peasants.

Deus Volt!
Our truce has formally ended, the Quyonlu Turks are suffering from rebellion and Coptic refugees claim the Moslem army is in the south. It is time we freed the last vestiges of Armenia from their control. Hopefully this war will not last long.

Beware Azerbaijanis bearing gifts
A pleasant surprise for a change. Our hated Moslem rival Shivran clearly wants us to succeed in our war with the Turks. Perhaps they also feared an attack?

Christian kills Christian
The Turks have again forced the Armenians to fight us on their behalf. Though it pains me to do so, I order Christian to kill Christian.

Race against time
Avashvili moves the army to engage a small Moslem force trying to join up with their main army. However, his scouts report that said main army is no longer in the South, and is instead closing in on our rearguard!

Night attack!
Avashvili calls for one last desperate charge, lit by torches and flaming arrows in the middle of the night, and the last of the Turks surrender shortly after. He has brought himself the dark morning to turn the battle line around and prepare for the arrival of the main Quoynlu army.

Good news from the west
In Tbsili, I receive joyous word that the Lithuanian king has converted to Orthodoxy, and is encouraging his pagan subjects to do the same. God be praised for the true faith grows ever stronger!

Back in Moslem lands, the daring manoeuvres in the night are a great success and the brave Georgian army kills or captures half of the Quoynlu army.

Holy fool
A holy fool has proclaimed himself in one of our eastern provinces. His irreverent and sometimes blasphemous comments are encouraging the Orthodox clergy to tighten their grip on Georgia. I fear if I do not appease them, they will soon be lynching my Coptic subjects in the streets. I order a basilica be built in the fool's name, in order to focus this growing resentment away from the southern Copt lands.

A good man brings peace
Meanwhile Avashvili has commanded the army admirably, even going as far as to set up negotiations for peace. We inflict another humiliating defeat on the Moslem by taking the last Armenian province from his grasp and insisting on the payment of war reparations.

An unwelcome messanger
A messenger arrived yesterday from Shivran, bearing a letter to be opened a day later. Clearly, this was to give the messenger time to leave the city, for the letter insulted the skill of our army, the low birth of its commander and the clearly infirm mind of whatever fool decided to put him in charge.

I had to laugh, for I expected something like this might happen. Just because we defeated their enemy for them doesn't mean that Shivran is suddenly our close ally, and they needed to assert their position somehow.

The Catholicos is freed
The Catholicos in Dvin has been rescued from Moslem hands, so I allow for his re-appointment. Hopefully this will show Coptic Christians the world over that Georgia is a haven for them, should they ever desire protection.

A quick liberation
I order a brief war of reconquest against Syunia, the Coptic subject nation of the Tartar horde that the Turks recently defeated.

Dire news from the west
An ill wind blows from the West. The Orsun Turks have a new sultan, who now leads an alliance of Turk nations in war against holy Constantinople. The Bulgarian and Wallachian peoples are trying their best to defend the Dardanels, but their armies are apparently outclassed at every engagement.

The war is ended
The reconquest of Syunia is quickly over, with the Tartars surrendering to our demands.

An insult to the Catholicos
The Marquis of Cillicia has denied the authenticity of the Catholicos! He claims that he is a puppet of the Orthodox church, and not the true leader that the Coptic church deserves.

For this insult, I could declare a war, but I fear that this would only foster further dissent amongst the Coptic nations. Also, I do not desire to march with the army all the way to Cillicia. A lethargy has come about me of late, and I find the most comfort in lying abed at all hours of the day. My wife is most concerned, but I told her it is nothing to worry about.

7th of April, 1372
O, darkest day! My father, David IX of Georgia, lies dead in his bedchamber. He was found this afternoon. The physicians say he must have been taken by God in his sleep, as Esau was.

As sad as this news is, I must be strong for my people. I have ordered a great celebration of his life. I want to focus on the good he did, so that he may be remembered a hundred years from now as the king who freed the Copts from the Moslems.

Thus, on the 7th April 1372, begins the years of Georgi VII, King of Georgia and Armenia. Thus ends part 2 of 'Edge of the World'

Since I'm getting a few readers, I'd like to ask a few questions:

How often do you want these episodes?

Do you want them to be longer or shorter, or are they about right?

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